
The zooming while masking is annoying.

Anonymous 11 years ago updated by Meld Support Team 11 years ago 1
The zooming while masking is annoying because if you don't place both fingers down on the image(one finger on the blanks space around the image), the app only recognizes that one finger has touched down and will make you erase or draw on the mask often. Fixing this would make a world of difference. Also, in these situations, an undo button would help immensely. Very promising app otherwise.
Thanks for your feedback concerning the mask zoom/move tool.

Can you please clarify for us something... your second finger accidentally lands/starts outside of the main image (for example in the toolbar area below main image) when attempting to zoom or move, which in effect, is like masking with one finger? 

We are currently investigating an undo button solution which will help rectify this situation.