Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Got a few question that need answering? Having a little trouble finding something? Hopefully the list below will shed some light on the subject, and if not, be sure to send us your query so we can answer it.

Is there an Android version?
Yes, in fact we will be leading on Android for Meld followed very closely by iOS.

How many layers can I add?
Currently, the beta version only allows 4 layers(including base layer) to be blended. However, you could flatten the layers into a single image and continue to blend more layers on top of each other. Alternatively, you could save out version and remove some/all layers and re-blend the saved out image with other layers. You can even start a new Meld with a previously saved out file.

Can I position/move layers?
Yes, but you do this during the "crop" screen where you can both scale and move the layer to as you see fit. It's important to note that you can rotate & flip your layers once within the main editing screen. If you need to reposition/move it again you will have to delete the layer and re-add it again.

How do I save my Meld image?
On the top right-hand corner of the main image there is an save/share icon that when pressed will give you the option to save a "Meld". You can always continue your work after image has been saved.

Can I flatten my image without saving to file?
Yes, there is a feature at the bottom of the layer list that will allow you to flatten 2 or more layers down to a single image file without having to save. NOTE: It is always wise to save your work so take advantage of the "Save".

How do I share my Meld image?
On the top right-hand corner of the main image there is an save/share icon that when pressed will give you the option to share a "Meld". 

Can I share to Instagram on iOS?
Yes, but at this stage it's only possible on iOS by first saving an image to file and then opening it in Instagram.


Got a question? Send it to us using the support page or shoot us an email:

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